As such you will see the following changes in the email you receive from me:
- the subject line will be formatted in this way:
ACTION: descriptive subject (-eom) - ACTION will be one of:
- CONFIRMED – I have completed the subject action
- DELIVERY – this email contains a response to a request you have made
- The subject will be descriptive of the contents and never blank
- If “-eom” is included then the complete intelligence of the email is in the subject and you don’t need to open the email. Just read the subject line.
- The body will normally have 4 sections (this may take a while to work into):
- Brief greeting
- ACTION: context, specific action, purpose and response time
- BACKGROUND: clear, concise and relevant background.
- CLOSE: next steps, signature block
This information will be revised as the new method develops. Check back here if you have any questions OR send me a “REQUEST:” email.
We would all benefit if each of us applied some simple email structure to this important communication tool.
I highly recommend that you read “The Hamster Revolution …” and consider it for your own email process.